Challenging Process for Sustainable Phosphorus Management

  • Published: 2012-04-17
  • 6031
As the Advisor of Global Traps Project (2010-2015), Prof. Zhengyi Hu (CRE, GUCAS) was invited by Dr. Amit Roy, ECO, IFDC (International Fertilizer Development Centre), USA, Prof. Roland W. Scholz,, and Mr. Kerry S. McNamara, Advisor to the Chairman & ECO, OCP S. A., to take part in the Global Traps Workshop IV “Defining Case Studies – Setting Priorities” in EJ-Jadida, Morocco on March 16-18th, 2012.
  This workshop was an important milestone for the Global TraPs Project. Workshop participants visited one of the world’s largest phosphate rock mines and a state of art fertilizer production site on March 16th. Participants interacted with representatives of the Group OCP, Aglobal leader in phosphate fertilizer and phosphoric acid production. Dr. Terrab (CEO of Groupe OCP) presented an evening lecture on March 17th.    The 4th Workshop completed the first phase of the Global TraPs Project, which includes the definition of knowledge gaps. One major part of the conference was to discuss a semi-final draft of the Springer Book“Sustainable Phosphorus Management: a Transdisciplinary Roadmap” (edited by R. Scholz, A. Roy et al.). The second major task of the workshop was to define Global TraPs Case Studies. These case studies will be initiated to provide answers to the most important knowledge gaps. 
  Prof. Zhengyi Hu contributed some good idea for case study. The project leader and the management board thought that running a case study of the Global TraPs Project in China would be absolutely important! The project management board suggests that China host the first Global TraPs World Conference.